
Have you recently lost a loved one to a tragedy? I have compiled what I learned through that time to help others going through a difficult time in their lives.


Why Accident Settlements Are Not A DIY Thing

17 March 2020
Law, Blog

You might think that nearly everything can be done with a little web knowledge these days. Big box home improvement stores built their business model on those who want to take on a more substantial role than just hiring someone to do a job. There are some jobs, though, that are beyond the skills of an average consumer. Not only is doing it yourself unwise when it comes to accident settlements, but it may result in a loss of thousands of dollars in compensation.
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Make Sure to Mitigate Damages After an Accident

11 February 2020
 Categories: Law, Blog

After becoming injured, you'll be expected to take steps to mitigate your injuries. If you don't take these necessary steps, you might discover that the courts will not rule in your favor or you may be forced to accept a smaller settlement because you will be considered partially at fault. Understanding Mitigation Mitigate is a word that essentially means "to make less." When you mitigate damages, you take steps to make the damages as minimal as possible.
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The Difference Between Divorce And Legal Separation

3 January 2020
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you know that you cannot continue living with your spouse with the way your marriage is, you might seriously be thinking about splitting up. To split up when married, you have options. You could just move out and live apart for a while, but this is usually not the best option. The other options are to file for legal separation or divorce. If you are not sure what the difference is between there, here are several things to know before making your decision about which one to use.
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3 Things You Should Do When You Think You’re Facing Gender Discrimination At Work

23 October 2019
 Categories: Law, Blog

Are there signs that you're the target of gender discrimination at work? Here are a few things you should do right away: Talk to Your Coworkers If you think you are facing gender discrimination at work, you should talk to some of your coworkers, both men and women. This will give you some insight into how everyone else is being treated at work based on their gender. If you find that both men and women face the same challenges as you, there is a chance that you aren't dealing with gender discrimination at all.
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Why An Estate Might End Up In Probate

15 October 2019
 Categories: Law, Blog

The probate process is a part of the legal system that people rarely run into. Consequently, some folks end up upset about why a case is even being pushed into the probate system. The following three scenarios represent some of the more common ones that probate law services firms encounter. No Will The lack of a will can raise serious questions about what the intent of a recently deceased person might have been toward their estate.
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About Me
lost a loved one to negligence? What now?

Have you recently lost a loved one to a tragedy? If you have lost a loved one at the fault of someone else, it is time for you to make that person accept the responsibility for his or her neglect. Having gone through the wrongful death process myself, I have learned quite a bit about how the system works. I was filled with questions and was fortunate to have a patient and understanding lawyer working with me. I have compiled everything that I had learned through that time into one site to help others going through one of the most difficult times in their lives.
