
Have you recently lost a loved one to a tragedy? I have compiled what I learned through that time to help others going through a difficult time in their lives.


What You Should Know About Car Accidents Caused By Negligence

13 April 2015
Law, Blog

If you were involved in a vehicle accident, it might have been due to negligence of the other driver. Negligence is a method of behavior where the person acted in a careless manner that caused injury, harm, or loss of another person. If you believe that your car accident was due to negligence of another driver, you might have a case against them. Here is more information about negligence-related car accidents and how to file a claim.
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Estate Planning: 3 Reasons You Need An Attorney In Probate

31 March 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

The passing of a dear friend or loved one can be stressful enough on its own, but when the decedent's will goes to probate, your anxiety and emotions can reach previously unattained highs. Even with a will in place, it is not uncommon for the will to go into probate. Whether as a result of bickering heirs or the absence of a will, the probate process can be a lengthy and exhausting one.
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Filing For Bankruptcy Won’t Necessarily Cut Your SSD Benefits

24 March 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

Each year, there are many people in the U.S. who deal with deep financial issues and view bankruptcy as a necessary path to regain financial freedom. Yet, some people whose current disposable income features social security disability (SSD) benefits are scared of filing because they don't want to lose that source of income. This is quite understandable, since SSD benefits are a huge portion of what they have each month. If you're one of them, know that SSD benefits aren't always counted as disposable income in bankruptcy.
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Why You Should Hire A Lawyer To Fight Your DWI Charge

11 March 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

Driving while impaired and driving under the influence cases are so common that you might disregard the seriousness at time from a legal aspect. Because of this, it is easy to think that the best thing to do is to plead guilty once you are charged in court. Regardless of the terms of your DWI charge, you should be sure that you hire the best lawyer possible, so that you can either receive an acquittal or leniency in the sentencing.
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Supporting Your Claim For Social Security Disability For An Autoimmune Disorder

27 February 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

Due to your autoimmune disorder, you are having a lot of trouble managing your full-time job and want to apply for Social Security disability benefits. You've heard that a lot of applications get turned down, however, and that appealing denials is time-consuming and difficult. This feels intimidating and you want to be sure you do things right the first time. You'll need certain types of documentation and verification of your disability; working with a lawyer can help boost your chances of your initial application being approved.
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About Me
lost a loved one to negligence? What now?

Have you recently lost a loved one to a tragedy? If you have lost a loved one at the fault of someone else, it is time for you to make that person accept the responsibility for his or her neglect. Having gone through the wrongful death process myself, I have learned quite a bit about how the system works. I was filled with questions and was fortunate to have a patient and understanding lawyer working with me. I have compiled everything that I had learned through that time into one site to help others going through one of the most difficult times in their lives.
